Saturday, March 31, 2012

SmittenKitchen is a food blog that teaches "Fearless cooking from a tiny kitchen in New York City.

According to the website, The Writer, Cook, Photographer and Occasional Dishwasher: "Deb is the kind of person you might innocently ask what the difference is between summer and winter squash and she’ll go on for about twenty minutes before coming up for air to a cleared room and you soundly snoring. It’s taken some time, but she’s finally realized that there are people out there that might forgive her for such food, cooking and ingredient-obsessed blathering and possibly, even come back for more. In previous iterations of her so-called career, she’s been a record store shift supervisor, a scrawler of “happy birthday” on bakery cakes, an art therapist and a technology reporter. She likes her current gig – the one where she wakes up and cooks whatever she feels like that day – the best. When she’s not prattling on about galley and grub here, Deb is an occasional freelance writer and photographer. Deb likes bourbon, artichokes, things that taste like burnt sugar and baked goods with funny names. She is aghast that there are cooks who actually clean as they go, preferring to leave a bombed-out mess of dishes and a thin film of flour behind in her cooking wake." Digg It! Stumble Delicious Technorati Twitter Facebook

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